Hand washing with water and soap is one of the most effective and inexpensive way to prevent the spread of many...
Read MoreBREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Official Date: October 1st-31st, 2019 Introduction: Since 2006, October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast...
Read MoreAs a Patient, you have the right: To receive nondiscriminatory and respectful care. To get explanations on diseases, treatment, and results...
Read MoreInsurance & Payment Your insurance policy defines your coverage. Please verify benefits for office visits, labs, x-rays, or ultrasounds directly with...
Read MoreIntroduction: Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. Another common name for Vitamin B12 is red vitamin because it exists as...
Read MoreJoint pain and swelling in our body are for mobility of our bones. Most people experience pain and swelling in the...
Read MoreBronchitis is an inflammation of the windpipe that is involved in air transfer to the lungs. It causes swelling and mucus...
Read MoreA hemorrhoid is basically a dilated overgrowth of veins of the anal canal. Hemorrhoids can be classified as internal or external....
Read MoreLyme disease is a tick-borne disease caused by bacteria. It is transmitted by the bite of deer ticks and requires 36...
Read MoreDiverticulitis is the inflammation of diverticula, or pouches formed in the colon. It can be caused by lack of dietary fiber...
Read MoreFibromyalgia is a chronic, multisystem disease. Almost two percent of the U.S. population develops this disease between the ages of 35...
Read MoreInsect bites can be caused by bedbugs, ticks, mites, fleas, mosquitoes, midges, gnats and flies. These bites appear as pink pimples...
Read MoreSchizophrenia is a chronic mental disease, more common in men. It starts at a young age between 18 and 30 years....
Read MoreLaryngitis means inflammation of the vocal cords. It is mainly represented by hoarseness of the voice. It causes a change in...
Read MoreEndometriosis is basically the development of endometrial tissue outside the uterus in the fallopian tubes or ovary or peritoneum. It affects...
Read MoreVaginal/Menstrual issues can be infections, discharges or lichen scleroses (a skin condition affecting the vulva or outer part of the vagina)....
Read MoreAn infection in the throat caused by streptococcus bacteria is strep throat. It is more common in young children than others....
Read MoreSkin injuries can be caused by sports, accidents and physical activities. It can occur in any part of the body exposed...
Read MoreYeast infections are vaginal and caused by a fungus called candida albicans. Yeast grows when the acidic environment of the vagina...
Read MoreSprains and Strains are a part of sports and certain sports present a greater risk for injury. A sprain is an...
Read MoreChildren are common victims of animal bites. Common types of bites by animals are dog bites, cat bites, rodent bites, human...
Read MoreA sore throat indicates irritation and itching in the throat that gets worse when swallowing. The causes can be viral infections...
Read MoreRespiratory infections can be in the nose, throat, air pipe (upper respiratory tract) or lungs. The infections are caused by bacteria,...
Read MoreTonsillitis means inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils are meant to fight viral and bacterial infections entered through the mouth and nose....
Read MoreConstipation is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying cause. It is more common in children and old people....
Read MoreWhat is Dengue ? Dengue is an infection which is caused by a virus. You can get it if an infected mosquito bites...
Read MoreWhat is Hepatitis B ? Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver by the hepatitis B virus. It can be...
Read MoreBowel/Digestive diseases cause gas, constipation, stomach pain, weight loss and diarrhea. Common bowel diseases include dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome...
Read MoreCellulitis is mainly an infection of the skin. Cellulitis causes pain, itching, swelling, warmth, thickening, and demarcating of the skin by...
Read MorePoison oak is a plant found in many states of the United States. It mainly causes allergic reaction to skin after...
Read MoreBlood pressure in people may vary according to age, sex, and height. Blood pressure can be low or high. Low blood...
Read MoreWhen undigested food and acid move back up to the throat from the stomach, the condition is known as acid reflux...
Read MoreCancer can affect anyone at any age. Cancer can cause almost any sign or symptom depending on location and organ involved....
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